100% Genuine Metathione (Met-Tathione) Capsules from Japan
Royale L-Glutathione Price: P1,200
We are currently out of Stock of "Met tathione" but we have generous amount of "Royale L-Glutathione" Stocks.
We are still waiting for the next shipment of "Met Tathione" to arrive...
As of the moment, please only contact us if you want to purchase "Royale L-Glutathione"
Thanks...Royale L-Glutathione Price: P1,200
Contact me at:
Yahoo Messenger ID: casoyfx
Email: casoyfx@yahoo.comCel: 0922-838-2830
Visit http://metathione.blogspot.com for more detailsMetathione | Met-Tathione | Mettathione | Glutathione | Metathion Capsules | Whitening